For Benefiting the Health of People, TCM is Rapidly Integrating into International Medical System
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Xinhua news agency, Beijing, Nov. 8 (reporter Tian Xiaohang) The reporter learned from the State Administration of traditional Chinese medicine on Nov. 8 that the technical committee of traditional Chinese medicine (ISO / tc249) which founded at ISO has issued 45 international standards for traditional Chinese medicine that is rapidly integrating into the international medical system as well as making contributions to human health.

In order to better benefit the health of the people around the world, China has constantly summarized the practical experience of developing traditional Chinese medicine, and made unremitting efforts to promote the traditional Chinese medicine to go to the world. At the initiative of the Chinese government, the 62th and 67th World Health Assembly all adopted the resolution on traditional Chinese medicine and urged member states to implement the WHO strategy on traditional Chinese medicine (2014-2023). Traditional Chinese medicine and complementary medicine are now applied in 88% member states. This year, the 72nd World Health Assembly deliberated and approved the 11th revision of the international classification of diseases (ICD-11) which firstly incorporated into the chapter of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Traditional Chinese medicine, the treasure of ancient Chinese science, is playing an important role in promoting mutual learning of civilizations and safeguarding human health." The head of the State Administration of traditional Chinese medicine said that traditional Chinese medicine has become an important carrier for building a community of shared future for mankind.

It is understood that traditional Chinese medicine has spread to 183 countries and regions, and the Chinese government has signed special cooperation agreements with more than 40 foreign governments, international organizations and regional competent authorities. Traditional Chinese medicine has been registered in Russia, Cuba, Vietnam, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates. More than 30 countries and regions have opened hundreds of colleges and schools of traditional Chinese medicine to train local talents of traditional Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine plays an irreplaceable role in foreign aid. China has sent medical teams to 69 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Basically every medical team has TCM personnel. In recent years, China has strengthened the prevention and control of AIDS, malaria and other diseases in developing countries, especially in Africa. It has sent more than 400 TCM technicians to more than 40 countries, including Tanzania, Comoros and Indonesia. The foreign aid medical team has used traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage and the combination of Chinese and Western medicine to treat many difficult and severe cases as well as save the lives of many critically ill patients, and has been fully affirmed by the government and people of the recipient country.

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